"Bronco's - Add your own punchy tagline here." Gerrit stood across the boxing studio, fighting his own fight in his head.

I am not a violent person.
"Ogres possess more capability for violence.", said Rhodes.

I don't want to fight.
"It would be good to practice martial skills in case we're backed into a corner.", said Cassandra.

Will it make me a worse person?
"I really dig the name.", is what Colonel Worm would say.

They made good points. Well, most of them did but he couldn't deny that as far as he could tell the Goblin was a liked and respected member of the Freehold, despite.. everything.
Would getting in shape directly lead to him becoming violent and unpredictably dangerous? Probably not.
Plus, if he couldn't protect his friends he might as well be completely useless and it wasn't like his moral high-ground had been particularly rewarded in the past. On the contrary, letting people walk all over him enabled other people's damaging behaviour.

I should learn to fight back.
And his Keeper answered him as he always did: with silence.

Gerrit grunted with disdain and walked over to sign up for some training lessons. He could think of it as cardio, not exactly fighting. Just something to get in shape.

Of course, wilder lies have been told to justify entry level drugs by junkies all around the world.