The Arrow blinks slowly. That the Pentacle wasn't tied to the paths was a whole other argument - another one she had been defeated in a long time ago. They just happened to come in fives - the five paths, creating five Orders.

She cocks her head slightly. That was unexpected, but it dropped a peice of the Acanthus puzzle neatly into place. A small smile touches her lips. "Thank you, Councilor." She stands as he does. "I beleive it is the risk of mediation - the truth lies between two views. I do not seek to be your enemy. Arrows are not often political. The only reason I am councilor is the Obrimos have had a... turbulent relationships with the law. I do not have an agenda, save the ongoing protection of this Concillium's mages. I know that everything I do sets a precedent, and I measure my actions and words carefully. This is how I approach being on the council. If it helps you to know that, as you have helped me to understand your actions, then I believe you and I know one another a little better. Good ebvening, Councilor" And while appearance was important to him, he was not above admitting fault.

She saw Puck out and began to tidy away.

No, not at all how she had expected. IN improving one side, she felt like she may have damaged another. And Guru as Councilor? Would he accept?

She had to talk with Aurora.

Yes, I agree. Closing it up now!

Thank you both!