JC was walking along the river that ran close to the House. He wasn’t sure if it counted as ‘on the property’ but in his mind it did. Was that more of the kindred part of him? Viewing things in an expanding area of influence. Of territory. And if that was true, did that mean he was starting to think of this place as his?

JC paused and looked back to the House. There was a feeling of attachment there. Yet also one of deep alienation. A part that recognized that it was the Orders house. Another part that resented that fact and wished to drive out Quinn and take over himself. Yep, the beast definitely thought of this as his home. Given the feeling of wanting to protect the House from that part of himself, he supposed, meant more human parts of him did as well.

He gave a light chuckle and smile and went back to walking. Mind turning to other topics.

Like the Reeveship. Did he want it? There was a large ‘no’ in answer to that question. And how did he feel about not wanting it? A bit guilty that he wasn’t trying to make the world better, a little selfish agreement, and some anger at not working to achieve power. But nothing big enough to be set aside and allowing himself to examine his initial reaction more curiously.

Why didn’t part of him want it? That was easy, politics and previous experience. He’d worked with law enforcement, providing mental health analysis and what had it achieved? Nothing. And don’t go saying I could make it better. That’s bullshit.

What do you think would happen if you took it up?

Corruption. I can see it already. Using someone as bait for a trap. Kindred society is nothing if not a concentrated reflection of the normal world. You wouldn’t stand a chance. Wouldn’t be happy and would just be leaving yourself open to lose everything you want to hold on.

Is there anything that would let you feel like that wasn’t a risk?

What? Like Quinn. You’ve heard her. How she talks about people.

No, not Quinn specifically. Just anything that would help with your concerns.

‘JC’, I’m not falling for your therapy crap. I know how this goes just as well as you.

The Gangrel, gave a long sigh. Flexed and relaxed his muscles as a surge of anger came up. Looked like there was something else he had to examine tonight after all. Let’s start over. How did he feel about not wanting the Reeve position.