Milton approaches this power-trio. He is painfully aware that he's standing in the spot occupied by the Prince mere minutes earlier and Quinn's beast makes his blood sing with rage. There's nothing to be done, though. He has to have a word with Priscus Hazelton.

"Seneschal Hart, Priscus Hazelton, Priscus Durant, pardon my intrusion." Milton offers a general bow. When he straightens, his attention is focused primarily on Jennifer. "I simply wanted to offer my thanks to you, Priscus Hazelton, for properly introducing me in my moment of need." He fights the urge to look for Edward. Instead, he extracts three more business cards from his jacket pocket, holds them before him for those who would like one. Realizes too late that Hart will not see this gesture, resolves to leave his card with the retainer who'd accompanied the Seneschal to court. "I hope you, any of you, will be in touch in the nights to come, if you should require anything."

Milton quiets down, waiting to see how they might reply. He's not exactly comfortable, but politesse demands this action.