Having realized one annoying little thing with this whole plan so was it that true she was studying this subject and had access to the university library but she were still rather new in school and far from an expert in how to get out study information so what to do but ask for help.

Still she had access to a grand library so spending a day there to gather up as much study material as possible were not a bad idea.

Entering the library first thing in the morning, asking the librarians for help to gather and find every single book with references that could match this huntsman. Quickly going through book by book to make sure that they had something worthwhile, not being all to careful just double checking them and making sure that they had something new and unique to tell or more versions and stories. Quickly realizing just how massive the topic were, with references even being able to link it to Odin and the Norse gods damn this bastard could be hiding in a plethora of lore way beyond what could be humanly possible to even begin to affect. Perhaps the whole plan wouldn't yield much but then again better try and fail than do nothing and fear were still her grandest motivator even if most seemed to have missed where her fear came from.

Spending the day to get through every single book and checking out the ones with any valuable information and taking pictures of every page with any form of reference for books that were not allowed to be checked out and then printing them out. Now that was a good thing about school they had access to a printer, true it was not as cheap as doing it at home but not that expensive at least. Making sure to write out three copies of each so that she and Cassandra could have one each along with being able to have one in reserve that they could scribble on.

Finally after far more hours and forgotten lunch so was it time to head back to her dorm and prepare for the help from Cassandra.

Slowly walking back towards the dorm, the weight of the books clearly being more than she could really handle herself but the good thing with walking around a campus you often run into people. It wasn't long after she sat down on a bench tired and weak in her arms to drink some of her aloe water until she could find a couple of fraternity guys walking by. A smooth word here, a soft look there and a light touch and what do you know willing people to help her carry her books the rest of the way.

Granted the walk with their aid weren't more than 10-15 minutes but without them so would it surely have taken over an hour.

Heartily thanking them and giving them each a kiss on the cheek before heading up to her room, taking three trips to get the books no way she would get these things up the stairs in one go alone.