The town of Davis seemed to have decided that all bars be located within a one block radius for some reason. JC looked for something more out of the way but came up with nothing. He could have, probably even should have, gone for animal prey. A stray cat or a dog left out in the yard. It was relatively safer. Didn’t bring as much risk as hunting intelligent prey or as much suspicion if he happened to loose control and kill someone.

Not that he was going to kill anyone. He’d been careful so far. And humans provided more potent blood (more delicious blood), which meant he wouldn’t need to hunt as much or be forced to wait a snare or squirrel pole to catch something.

Plus it was so easy. Just wait outside an establishment pretending to smoke for a couple hours. Eventually someone would stumble out so blind drunk (and alone) they could barely walk. Preferably a man, they elicited less chance of a hero response if someone thought something was off. God that sounded sexist in his mind.

Though that hadn’t JC from driving Kevin home because he “wasn’t fit to drive”. Hadn’t stopped him from pulling over when the alcohol made the man pass out. And hadn’t stopped from ignoring the small part of him that protested as he sank fangs into neck.

The rush was quick to pass. With the Beast satisfied that left room for other parts of his mind to feel guilt or shame. However, even getting Kevin home “safe” didn’t assuage the feelings that he should have done better. Been better. The coming buzz helped dull those thoughts.

JC locked Kevin’s car and wandered off into the night.