Sigh having lost her bow was not a nice feeling, she felt naked without one but luckily she had crafted ones before and could do so again.
First a trip to the butcher to gather some new bones for her new set of knives, visiting various ones until finding the ones that would sell them the cheapest or parts that they were willing to give away bones not being the premier thing to sell of the animals made them easy to acquire for cheap or even free depending on the day.
Next were a trip to the woods, taking her time to search for good wood to use, taking her time to find and select a piece that would suit her needs just perfectly before heading of to her hallow there she would be left alone.

Sitting down to start the process of crafting her new bow first next would be the knives luckily she had lost her weapons but their holders were still left so she would not need to reforge them and arrows she had plenty to spare, rarely carrying more than 10 and being prepared that they would not be able to be re used were an advantage in situations like these.

Checking around to make sure she is alone, not that she think anyone would venture this deep into the woods easily.

Taking a deep breath as she lets her magic enhance her body.


Hiding away her bow as it was done, marking it to make sure it could be seen that it was hers.
Next were the annoying part to make five new knives of bone sigh this would take her a while.

knife 1
Accidentally put the wrong target number in but fixed it with the right amount of rolls/successes

knife 2

Nearly finishing her second knife on the first day before having to take a break, returning the next day to carry on with her work.
Absorbing some backlash in the process, well a little bruise was not that dangerous to deal with and would soon heal, her spell going of without a hitch and it was not long before her second knife could be completed.

Knife 3

Getting nearly halfway on her fourth knife before it was time to break for the day only to once more return tomorrow.
Knife 4


Completing her knife was a piece of cake, she seemed to get used to working with bones and to make it into throwing knives now it was just time for the last one.

knife 5

Puhh it didn't take her all to long to complete the last knife.
Returning back to her quarters and spending the reminder of her day with engraving all her new tools with her various markings.

Cursing the error that had occured, she had not thought that the area would be against her having a bow in a carrying case nor that she would not have the chance to hide them if people would show up.