Much had happened recently, to much to really get her head around it all however she couldn't deal with that right now there were other things she had to focus on.

She were done with her languages courses or well the ones in class at least, she still had her private lessons with Chunhua which were nice, it was nice to have a friend that wasn't a part of the well none human community to someone whose biggest fears were just in the mundane.

However her own mind, her own issues and her own problems would eventually either drive her away or hurt her she needed to get help and that was soon before she would start to push to many ones away.

Spending a couple of hours on her new laptop reading up, looking for names, references, prices, looking in to various medicines and more before she was finally ready to book an appointment with a therapist that seemed the best for her.
It would be hard to talk about things and she would have to be very careful with what she said, how she phrased herself and so forth ahh it would be so much easier if she could find one that were part of the wyrd but then again that might leave her to exposed as well.

Spending the next few hours writing up notes for herself on what she could say, what she couldn't say and how to best get her point across preparing herself and getting ready to open up to begin with. She would first focus on her HSD but she would need help overall as well, to many a things were to fresh in her mind to many a things from before her durance still haunted in her mind, still gave her nightmares and were still hard to deal with, her durance hadn't exactly made those things easier but at least she only had fragmented memories of that no what haunted her more were her childhood and the 14th.
Touching her stomach, she could still remember the cold from that night, she was still afraid, despite everything she had seen lately so was there nothing that had managed to scare her more than the memories of that night.

Shuddering at the mere thought of it, what was it all for, what was their goal and would she ever find out? Would it become something that would haunt her or would it become something that she would be able to handle? When the wyrd was involved so was there just to many possibilities each one worse than the next one ohh how could she even begin to formulate that fear to a mundane person? Damn this was going to be hard.

Anyways she had taken the first step at least and booked the appointment, this were what she needed to at least give herself a fighting chance to recover, to get better, even if she could only get a foundation of help in some areas so were every little single piece something that could be of aid in the end.
Dealing with the fear that every person would have after something like that, to deal with her childhood issues, to deal with issues one by one would hopefully help her, she needed this calm down don't back down.