Her steps quick, running in this concrete jungle isn't easy especially not at this time of the day.
Quickly rushing into the hospital, half in panic at the reception, demanding to know where he is and rushing there.

Entering his room short of breath.
"Sorry I just got the letter today, really you gotta make sure to take my number or at least my proper address to make sure that messages gets through. It took the damn librarians days to understand who to give the letter to."
The old man looking in her direction, looking quite weak.
"Hehe, better late than never, at least you did come the only one that have visited me so far would be my wife but she quickly turned her back to me." Laughing a bit over his morbid joke. "I do thank you for coming though, I wasn't sure if I should send the letter or not in the end I felt it rude to leave you wondering though. And it is quite nice to hear a kind voice rather than all these boring sounds. Say would you humor me and let me hear the language of my forefathers once more?"
"jaemi eobs-eo!"

Sitting down, the two arguing back and forth for a bit before getting into a calm routine, letting him take his time to answer, speaking with him in Korean as much as possible and having him aid her where the need exists. Working on fixing and sewing on the chef's hat whilst talking with him, waiting as he takes minor naps and staying until the staff forces her out.

Heading to the freehold to drop of the package, home to change clothes, check over her profile and starting to set up actual meetings, going to the store and picking up various items before heading back to the hospital, sneaking in, giving him the things he had asked for, bringing with her both a newspaper and book to read to him.
Mysteriously either disappearing when someone comes to check on him or rather hiding and blending into positions and areas no rushed hospital worker would ever begin to think to check for a man in his position or charming her way to be allowed to stay when the ones coming by are men.
Keeping him company, reading her own books, studying or checking her profile as he naps, eventually falling asleep with her head resting on his bed, being able to lock her body in any position could surely be a great boon to sleep in nearly any position without having to worry about waking up in pain.