Waking up in her fortress, her a bit to curled up for it to be truly good for her, luckily she had training in remaining in uncomfortable and odd positions for extended periods of time a trait she often utilized even in her sleep without being aware of it, it was a great way to not get to much of a bedhead and also worked wonders to scare people to think she was dead.
Ohh wait I gotta remember to tell that to my partner if I manage to find one otherwise I might scare them to death, although wouldn't that be fun at least once?

It was a bit hot in here though, heading out of her fortress, looking over the entire apartment that she was still alone before pouring up her morning glass of aloe water and heading over to the bay window to watch the sunrise.
Hmm a morning run would really be the best right now but would it be safe? Surely the assaulter wouldn't be here at this time of the day right? If there was ever a dangerous time so would it be at night right?
Putting her running clothes on, filling the water bottle and putting in the sport MP3, carefully unlocking the door, checking both ways before heading out, slowly sneaking around each corner to be safe that there was no one there waiting for her, reaching the street and quickly starting her run.
Like usual it wasn't long until she wen't of road and started to train her normal tricks, slowly but surely improving bit by bit, still landing in the wrong position or on her behind more than once but not as much as she had before, gaining fewer bruises, heh it was lucky that her appearance couldn't truly be seen by people.
Wait bruises aren't attractive right? Does that mean that if I just get bruises and not actual cuts and truly visible damage so will people not be able to see them? So if I would try to report a beating to the police so would they have a hard time believing me and just dismiss my claims? Damn this blessing really is a double edged sword.

Heading home as the water starts to run dry, once again sneaking up, rushing inside, locking the door carefully and going through the apartment to make sure it was empty before heading in to take a long, long shower.
I should really consider getting a dog, one that could truly guard me if anything happens, that might be a good way to feel more safe at home and ohh he could sleep next to me so I wouldn't have to feel so alone or maybe a cat for the company or perhaps a bunny they're quite cute right? Hmm safety or company which do I truly need and what fits my lifestyle the best, a dog could certainly run with me which would be nice, but they're also quite expensive and my current economy isn't exactly right for it then again cats are basically free and wait a rescue dog is not that expensive right? I got a second chance so why not give a dog a second chance? Yeah that might be a good idea, I will look into that later on, perhaps we can bond on some sort of emotional plane and give solace to one another yeah that sounds quite nice.

Exiting the shower and getting ready to tackle the day, ahh she wished that she had a bathtub sometimes a hot soaking bubble bath could have been so nice.