There was still a bit of time left in the day, thinking that this might be a good opportunity to look for a new career, exotic dancing hadn't worked out for various reasons but she only really having your looks and thief skills to rely on and with no college degree to back up on didn't exactly leave many doors open.
Thinking for a bit, sitting down by the computer before finding an address to a place that might work for her, at least hopefully it might have a chance to suit her.

Taking the bus in to the city, well dressed and prepared for a brutal interview that was if she could get one by just showing up at all.

Taking the elevator to the fifth floor, her heart racing, pounding louder and louder for each floor it went up, holding her breath, her entire body shaking with nervousness.
You can do this, it's just a job, it's just time, it's nothing you haven't done before, or well it partially is but you can do this, it wont turn you into the night monster you will still remain untainted, calm down and show them that you're not to be taken lightly.

The elevator arriving on the fifth floor, walking past the first receptionist like she belonged there, some mumbled sounds from the man behind the counter but evidently he either didn't care that she went past him or had fully believed her lie of belonging here nevertheless she had gotten past the first hindrance.

Now to find the local manager. boss or whatever this company used, a quick chat here and there not to mention that it was quite obvious where to find him, sitting behind big glass doors with a small little receptionist outside. Walking up to the receptionist, looking down at her with a gentle smile.
"I would like to meet the boss for an interview please"
"Have you scheduled an appointment?"
"Afraid not but I'm sure he has some spare time before the day is over right?"
"I am sorry I cannot let you in without an appointment"
"Ohh really can"
The phone ringing, the receptionist picking it up
"Yes sir, yes, yes, but, as you wish, yes.
Looking back a Yamiyo
"The boss would love to meet you immediately"
Smiling and feeling good about herself.
"Thank you dear"

Walking in to the office, it was truly something, fine glass doors, a decent view, the air fresh and refreshing, several paintings of beautiful women hanging on the walls, expensive furniture and a high desk for him to sit behind clearly designed to make him seem superior to whomever sat at the other end.
"Please sit down"
The boss gestured towards the seat across his desk, he wasn't a bad looking man, in fact he was quite attractive for a mortal man, well trained and a light well trimmed beard, sporting an expensive watch and a glistening white teeth smile, he probably never had any issues getting dates based on his looks alone.
Sitting down in the chair and instantly feeling small, not only was that the design but the man were over 6ft to begin with and she just barely reached 5ft.
"So you would like to work with us?"
"Yes but I would like to know some things first"
"Of course ask away"
"Well like what I would have to do, salary, how often I get to work and so on"
"Straight to business I like that, tell you what I am in a bit of a rush so lets get through this quickly. First of the salary it's 350$/hour for you and we take the rest, you get to work based on our clientele but a beauty like you will probably get to work a lot and I can easily see us doubling your price over a six month period, naturally you will have to sign a contract with us over our clientele and some waivers to protect us" Smiling a big rehearsed smile.
"Ok but it's just time, dates, events nothing intimate right?"
The man looking at her
"That is right our clients will only buy your time for a date but if you wanna keep them it is always good to give them a reason to come back." The man winked at her as he said those last words.
"So I would have to sleep with them?" Looking a bit confused by how he stated his comments.
"No not at all, you just can if you want to" Winking at her again.
"This doesn't feel right" Starting to look at the door
"Listen" Walking over to her "We cant force you to sleep with out clients, we will not say that you need to" Leaning in just up by her face "But if you wanna earn some money and have a steady clientele" Whispering so that no recording device will be able to hear him "you better put out for our wealthiest customers and make it seem like you wanted it."

Not even thinking before she slapped him and furiously storming out the building, never had she met such a rude interviewer, well true it was her first ever real job interview but still.
The elevator arriving to take her down to the main floor and away from this building, one thing was for certain she would not be working as an escort for Slixa, she had more pride than that.