The late morning sun hung heavy in the sky, burning away moisture from the night's rain, with the promise of getting even hotter as the days passed. Bleeds Well arrived at Makerith Motors at the time he'd arranged with Emily. The place seemed still for the moment, likely Emily was out picking up parts or whatever it was the wise and mysterious rites master did when she wasn't doing pack work.

He stealthly circled around the back and scurried over the fence with ease. He had a lot of work ahead of him before he could put hammer to hot steel. Hours whiled away as he tore up earth, and ripped out weeds, clearing the area where the forge would go. Mortar was mixed and the pile of bricks stacked up as he tried to build a wall. Sweat beaded his exposed upper torso as the sun began to set and he frustrated with his work. Noises from inside the garage told him Emily had arrived and gotten back to her own business, when that had happened he had no clue. He poked his head in to call out to her before he left for the evening. He was disappointed that this exertion turned to failure. He'd need better tools and resources if he was going to get this done. He'd have to learn to blend in with the herd.

"I'm done for the day sis. I'll be back in a few days more supplies."

Without needing a reply he let himself out the way he'd come in. Up and over. Soon the moon would rise and his patrol would begin, but first he had a long jog home, and to the river to find his dinner. His stomach grumbled angrily at him for ignoring it while he'd worked.
