They were sounds you never forgot.

Bones grinding together, then breaking and tearing apart flesh as they broke free of the skin prison.

But it was the screams. The screams of fear and pain that haunted the Thyrsus’s mind. Screams she always heard, day or night, awake or asleep. Pain and death that she had caused.

One snap decision made without thinking ended three lives with the flick of a spell.

And what did she do when things got to be too much? She ran. Packed up and just left. No destination in mind, just driving.

Nights and days spent in seedy motels off the highway. Locked away in a room, hiding behind closed doors or at the bottom of a shower, only leaving it when it was time to drive again.

But no matter where she ran, or how far she ran, or how fast she drove, she found no peace. The screams still echoed through her mind. The sounds still reverberated in her ears. The sights still appeared before her eyes.

There was no escaping what she did.

And it was time to turn around, and see if she could find peace with those she considered friends. Would they welcome her back and help her? Or had her actions finally burned the bridges to the most stable life she had ever known?