Circe had finally gotten time to check out Cole's Hollow again. It was overgrown. That was an understatement. It was overgrown in the same way jungle ruins had a weed problem. Circe could barely make out the forge's stone.

There had also been something squatting here at some point. Both kinds judging by the smell and the piles of orange mush that was the source of the odor. To push all this back and regain what it was would take many hours of working on the Hollow. Cleaning out the filth, cutting back the thorns, edging everything off. She would need supplies of both a janitor and a gardener to cleanse the Hollow. The hour she spent working to clear out around the door was proof of that.

Or the alternative she was carrying. That mandated hair, face, and hands be covered. She spread it around several spots but especially on the orange waste. The new scent couldn't make it worse. Once the container was empty Circe tossed it towards the overgrown forge. Then the elf disrobed. The long gloves, smock, head bandanna, and face bandanna were just thrown aside without care.

Circe walked back to the door and what awaited her there. A pair of glass bottles with rags in them beside a flip lighter. Circe lit both rags and tossed the molotovs at opposite ends of the overgrown Hollow that she'd doused in gasoline. Cleanse with flame.

Circe had cleared around its Hedge Gate as a firebreak to keep it safe from the flames. The forge should be solid enough to survive a little fire. And if not, she'd just fix it.

The blue Fairest leaves through the Gate back to the Iron Side, checking her watch. Unless Circe somehow became fireproof she'd give it a day at least to see if the flames burnt out.