She had been volunteering for months at the local woman’s shelter. Donating food, clothes and her time when asked. While she kept her personal story private, locked away, she offered her ears to those who needed someone to listen and just be there.

One woman stood out to her. And while she wasn’t sure why, their stories were different, yet similar, but she felt a connection to her. A need to help the girl heal in some way. And while there wasn’t much she could do, she was no licensed therapist or doctor, there was one way she could help. The woman had taken a severe beating before finding the shelter. Nightmares and bruises kept the poor girl up at night, unable to rest. And the Treasured understood that more than she would let on.

So maybe, she could help her Dreams, making them more pleasant, give the poor girl a night’s rest. And while she couldn’t do that for herself, she wanted to try for Amanda.

Thankfully, the bed Sonnie made was in the Hedge, and very comfortable!

Entering the Dream took some time, meditating was still new to her, but she had been practicing. So after a few attempts, she was successful, able to pass into Amanda’s Dream.

There was darkness, nothing but darkness. But it was a darkness that Sera knew, one that drove fear deep into your heart and mind.

Reaching out with her Wyrd, she pushed back at the darkness. It pushed back, not wanting to move, but the Nix was determined and pushed harder. Finally, dim light appeared around her, and she was able to see Amanda. Still battered and bruised, but looking a little more hopeful at the lights. Millions of them, some fairy lights, some fireflies, dancing around her. Shaky hands reached out to them, fireflies gently landing on the girls hands, a smile finally appearing.

Sera watched, unseen, as Amanda seemed to come alive once again. Though she knew there was more healing that needed to happen, but that was out of her control.

Finally, Sera imagines a light falling on her girl, warm and tingly as it illuminated her skin. In her mind she pictures her hand gently caressing Amanda’s face, taking extra care on the bruises and wiping the blood for her nose. Slowly, blood vessels knit back together, bruises lighten, swollen lips soften.

Feeling like she had made a bit of difference to the girl, Sera slips back into darkness, about to wake herself up. But before she can, the hairs on the back of her neck stand on end, her heart began to race as she felt panic gripping at her. She had sensed another. Sapphires dart around, seeking the source of the fear, and settle on someone unknown approaching. Robes of silk were flowing out around them, their face hidden. She feels her body tense, prepared to fight here and now. Hands flex as petals whirl around her body as a protective shield.

The figure stops, and its voice seems to come from all directions.

“Seraphina, we’ve been watching you.”
It sounded neither male nor female, “You’ve shown a natural ability for Oneiromacy. Your recent venture into this Dream, you caring for the well-being of another has brought us forth with a request to join us.” An arm was held out, but there was no visible hand attached to it. It was waiting for her to either accept and follow, or turn and walk away.

The Nix takes a moment, a mixture of confusion and interest on her face. And while there was the fear that this was a trap, she was curious, and thus, follows.

Glimpse to show Sera joining an Entitlement, Order of the Oneirophysics