His drink tasted... odd.

He was at a club, doing his thing, enjoying the way the music felt as the sound crashed into him, when a tasty little snack had worked up the courage to talk to him. He came bearing drinks, and that kind of moxie was something he wanted to reward.

After all, self-delivering meals were supposed to be the wave of the future.

He sipped his drink again, and was less interested in what it tasted like (because he could drink for an hour and it wouldn't affect him) than... ah. Something about how Snack's eyes narrowed, and how he leaned in a little bit.

He'd been poisoned.

How utterly charming.

It wasn't really his style... but goodness, what a potentially fun little diversion.

He feigned a dizzy spell.

Snack couldn't hide his smile.

Theo did.