“Your feet are freezing!” Leaves yelped and bounced up as much as the comforter would allow without slipping out of the thick sheet of warmth.
Clara pressed her feet into the small of his back and curled her toes against the warm flesh. “It'll only take a second, you big baby.”
“You're gonna give me pneumonia. In California! Now there's a headline." Clara laughed; Leaves took advantage of the distraction to knock her feet out of the way and press her into the couch. She let out a surprised squeal as he wrapped her up in the thick wool.
“What are you doing?!” She was cocooned completely in the rose tinted fabric.
“A public service,” Leaves answered flatly. She could practically hear his face contort into a serious expression. “You're confined until you stop terrorizing me with those pedicured toes.”
“You noticed. See the color?” Clara purred and saw the silhouette pinning her to the couch fluster a little.
Leaves' shifted his weight to pin her center and said nothing.
“Fine, fine. I surrender.” Leaves hopped off her to the other side of the couch.
Neither said a thing.
“You're not gonna...?”
“Gon' wha?” Her voice was muffled through the thick fabric. Clara was pouting in her blanket prison and had her arms crossed over her stomach.
“You're sulking.” He laughed. “C'mon. Cut it off. You know I love you, iceberg feet and all.”
He sighed and shifted his weight back onto her side. After a second or two, he gently peeled back the comforter to find Clara sulking. Clara worked very hard to maintain a stern face. It didn't help that her lips kept curling into a smile.
“Not lying. Promise.” His body slid up behind her and wrapped her in his arms. He still shivered a bit at her touch, but there was no flinching. “Happy?"
"Yes!" Clara laughed as she let warmth blossom in her body and turned to bump her forehead on his chin. She was almost fever hot but Leaves pulled her closer. Clara nibbled on his neck lightly and, after glancing towards him for a nod, sank her fangs into his skin.
She drank deep his love for her; it was a mindbogglingly sweet cocktail that went down smoother than a cake made entirely of frosting. She was fighting a dizzy spell as she broke off and licked the punctures clumsily away.
“Wow.” He said after a beat. “I don't think I'll ever get used to that.”
“You drank too much coffee.”
“You can't tell.”
“I can tell and I'm telling you it tastes bitter. More water and more fruits.”
A night that might have been spent stalking and luring was instead spent cuddling. Leaves murmured something as he settled into a light slumber. Clara shut her eyes and listened to his heartbeat. Eternity well spent.

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