Victoria was taking a break at the bar. She had been quite busy lately from working at the club to the constant meetings she hardly had time for anything. She wore her typical manner of dress for the club which mainly involved tight black leather and lots of skin. A large man was sitting next to her dressed as a typical sub including mask. She was watching the crowd and listening to the music not expecting much to happen before her scheduled meeting tonight.

Headstrong walked into the club, her weathered bikerwear not meshing all too well with the average attire here, and took in her surroundings. Immediately a rival predator announces its presence and Headstrong needs to fight down the urge to assault this puny woman that had invaded her territory… that it was in fact she who was trespassing helped somewhat and the Beast was wrestled down with ease. Approaching the bar with utter disregard for the mortals she takes a seat two down from Victoria, looks at her and clears her throat, hoping to attract the attention of the little lady in a manner that wouldn’t inspire too much anger. Probably not the best approach but a Kindred with such a powerful Beast should be able to control it. Especially if she was a Priscus.

"Miss Stamford, I assume."

Victoria notices the woman take a seat and clear her throat. Her wasp buzzed and whipped into a fury at the intrusion. It wanted her to prove who was dominant and destroy the woman for daring to intrude. It helped that this was not really her territory, but the Princes and she forced her wasp back into the dark recesses of her mind. She turned to the woman and smiled gently,

"Yes, Miss Headstrong I presume?"

"Correct. Can we speak in private?" Headstrong answers, noting the woman’s restraint.

"Certainly, I have prepared a room," Victoria stood and began making her way to a back room. This headstrong woman was quite reserved and made Victoria's skin crawl a little, however she showed no outward sign.

Headstrong follows Victoria quietly enough, her eyes intent on her small fragile back, and upon entering the backroom her eyes made one quick sweep. Taking in the room she saw…

Looking around the room she sees one half of the room set up as a sitting area with couches and the other half set up for private scenes, which are usually what these rooms are reserved for. Victoria gives a sweeping gesture and spoke, "please be seated." She claimed a couch and sat down crossing her legs and resting her hands in her lap. "What can I do for you this evening?"

“The Prince has told me to assist the Ventrue Priscus in her task of announcing the entrance of the city officials, Prisci and Covenant leaders at the upcoming Court. Unless I’m mistaken this would mean I am to help you, Miss Stamford, and I simply came to make sure we had a solid enough understanding that we can complete this task to the satisfaction of the Prince.” Headstrong answers before finally deciding the couch opposite Victoria was sturdy enough to support her. Headstrong took her seat with little decorum and sat straight forsaking the support of the couch and literally looking down on Victoria. Realizing this might not be the best thing to do, she eventually relents somewhat and tries to look a little less huge.

Smiling, Victoria replies, "Yes I would be the person to speak with in that case." *Although no one saw fit to notify me of any help* "I see the Prince has been quite liberal with the bestowal of his additional tasks lately." She paused for a moment before continuing, "Well, I have made contact with Viscountess Twist, and Harpy Naetesh and gained a list of titles and names, however, you have the advantage of knowing these individuals better than I do. I would be happy to help you with what I have uncovered if you could help shed a little more light on these individuals and fill in anything that may be missing. Do you have a Covenant affiliation Miss Headstrong?"

She wasn’t surprised they were now bartering their ‘help’ with something they were forced to do anyway but that didn’t mean she wasn’t somewhat annoyed by the concept. There was a very good reason Gideon was in charge of such diplomatic gibberish. Truth be told, on some level Headstrong wanted to stand up and wring the woman until flesh tore and bones broke, Headstrong bet she’d be more forthcoming with her stupid little list then. Communicating these things with unusual subtlety Headstrong replies curtly. “I am a Savage Dragon.”

“Your proposal is acceptable. Produce the list so we can divide the names and I’ll answer your questions once our official business is done.”

Her smile decidedly false and forced, Victoria pondered her position and what she was getting from the woman. It irritated her that Victoria had done all the busy work and then this woman moves in last minute and profits from all her work. She considers charging the woman for the list but if the Prince found out he may not take that too well if he specifically told her to work with Victoria. While she is thinking a large man walks into the room, it was her sub from the club room. He is carrying a copied slip of paper and walks over to Victoria.

"You understand that I have invested time and effort into obtaining this information, I expect it will not be forgotten in the future." She leans forward and holds out the slip of paper for Headstrong to take.

What more did she want? Hadn’t Headstrong just agreed to her terms?

“As agreed.” her voice is as emotionless as ever and her expression too remains utterly stone-faced as she skims the list and finds all is as she expected, although Headstrong is pleased to find the information regarding the Lancea et Sanctum and the Invictus is mostly new to her. She also notes that Deputy Obsidian has been included. That just left contacting Gideon to see if he indeed was leading the Covenant right now. Didn’t look like it from where she’d been standing.

“This information was provided to you by Viscountess Twist and Harpy Naetesh.” Headstrong says in her inflectionless voice. It didn’t particularly sound like a question.

She nodded and answered Headstrong, "It was. I was assured that this information was as accurate to their knowledge as possible. I have not been able to arrange meeting with the remaining covenant heads to confirm it first hand that it is indeed so. Is Oracle Gideon still the Dracul representative and is that his full title?"

“The list indeed seems accurate.” Headstrong agrees. She’s silent for a second before continuing. “I will speak with Oracle Gideon tonight and see if this is satisfactory.”
“As to the division of names. I suggest we each start with those of our Clan, add those of our Covenant and split the rest so as the end result will be as even as possible. Do you object?”

Victoria nodded in agreement with Headstrong concerning the way she would handle Gideon. Then she replied, "That seems the most logical way to begin the division. I have no objections."

Restraint and logic and agreement, now this side of Victoria Headstrong could appreciate fully.
“Please indicate which of the remaining names you would prefer to announce.”

"I can take the Hierophant, excluding me and Priscus Konstantin that should give me 6, leaving 7 for you if Priscus O-Yama does not make court. I would appreciate it if you would be able to announce me; it is rather unseemly announcing oneself."

Headstrong doesn’t give her ‘the look’ as she’d seen this coming a mile away. Announcing the announcer... Headstrong didn’t know how these things worked exactly but this couldn’t be good for her relative standing. Still, did she truly care about such a thing? No. No, not really. And so Headstrong nods her consent to Victoria’s request. Between announcing more people than her, giving her first pick –she went straight for the stable power of the Hierophant as expected– and introducing her herself Headstrong should have enough credit to ease her off of other requests. Quick and painless.

“So, I will introduce Gideon, you; Priscus Victoria Stamford, Hound and Priscus Konstantin Vladamir Malevich, Seneschal Heathcliff Staley, Harpy and Priscus Ishani Naetesh, Prefect Arnoud Giessen and Acting Head of the Lancea et Sanctum Mother Superior Donna Maria.”

"Sounds like we're in accord. I suppose it goes without saying that we should arrive early so as not to miss anyone, beyond that I believe that should be it."

Headstrong nods in agreement.

"Suppose I'll go find my Oracle then." she adds after a moment and stands up.

"It was a pleasure making your acquaintance, Miss Stamford." Headstrong manages as she looks down on the little lady and remembers that nice things needed to be said before leaving

Victoria stands and smiles as she addresses the woman, "Likewise, it was a pleasure Miss Headstrong. I look forward to working with you."

As Headstrong left she was satisfied with what she had accomplished. Sure, Victoria might have gotten more out of this night than she had but at least it hadn’t turned into overt hostilities. That was actually a step up from the last time she’d handled delicate things.