Lyssa was off, acting as bait. Alice's manner and sightlessness cannot effect tonight. It cannot.

Alice waits lungs inanimate. Meditating as the moon's light spills over her robe covered shoulder.

Alice us calm and steady as she waits. The nervous uncertainty that had plagued her life and most of her death was absent as she hear hesitant questions and honeyed reassurances carried on Euros' breath.

Alice hears Lyssa's cloths hit the ground and her skittish prize's follows. Soon Alice stands moving like the monster within her breast, closing the distance between them. She waits, not hesitating but for a signal before she moves past the tree line.

It wouldn't do for the skittish thing to flee.

A cry, a plea. Alice imagines Lyssa's pouted lips, the hand upon a breast, the other reaching, seeking.

Eventually he relents and allows Lyssa to bind him..

He screams as the ghoul leaved him bound, naked in the woods.

Alice steps forward at this queue.

He screams louder, shouting obscenities at the Wraith. Alice pays them no mind. There are far more important matters at hand then this breather's last words.

Anthame in hand, it's edge dragged across the toned chest. Blood blooms and Alice's fangs descend as the scent mets her nose.

He stops screaming. Gasping indsted. The blade is replaced by her tongue. Slowly she laps at the line. She recives not her fill. Oh no. This is the only taste she'll allow herself, because this is for something more importants then serving her hunger.

"Ares, unswerving ally of warriors, swift is your sword arm, and steady is your gaze."
Alice up turns her face and ingored the breather pissing himself. "In war-craft, and instinct, in victory at any cost, in strength form within, in comradeship and in blind battle-rage, in these we know your power, Great War-God." her eyeless face turns back to the soiled man bound and bleeding. Anthame shifts in her grip as she moves to carve sigils into his skin. He starts screaming again. "Ares! Passionate one, the knowledge of bodies is yours, familiar you are with blood and pain...with the cost if success. We thank you for needed savagery. For understanding the worth of life!" the blade returns to his navel, pressing against skin until it yields under the forces, the blade is dragged upward until his innerds spill outward, "Soild Ares, I praise and honnor you!"

Fisrt off -1WP to reroll the Feeding roll, this'll go into my Dirdge Fight Prep.
Second, Yumyumcrow I rolled for degen and derangement because I'm assuming this is counts as a Hunanity 3 sin.

Date Action Roll Result
2017-11-09 13:10:59 Alice Hart rolls 4 to Nom take 2 WP Spent to reroll (Strength 2 + subterfuge 2) (10 Again) 4, 10, 4, 9, 7 2 successes
2017-11-09 13:09:47 Alice Hart rolls 4 to Nom! (Strength 2 + Subterfuge 2) (10 Again) 2, 3, 9, 6 1 success
  degen & derangment
Date Action Roll Result
2017-11-09 13:14:19 Alice Hart rolls 4 to Become deranged? (10 Again) 6, 5, 3, 3 failure
2017-11-09 13:13:09 Alice Hart rolls 2 to Degeneration (Humanity 3 Sin. Murder) (10 Again) 6, 7 failure