Circe stared at the text conversation she'd been sent by her boss. Circe was starting to wish she'd not said fuck it to politics, as she'd not noticed them being foes at the coronation.

"Well, Merda. Questo non è buono. Non credo che una buona regina." Circe looked at her latest purchase that had arrived. She was definitely having regrets right now. For both trust misplaced, as well as funds: "Avrebbe dovuto comprare una kalash. Lo avrebbe prestato a Alex.."

Circe could only text back a few things [thread=37720]to Alex.

As Circe sent the message she came to a conclusion: no way was she putting any trust into Mhairi at any point in the near future. If the Director thought she had Circe's support, she was in for a rude awakening. Disdain is like respect, both can be earned by action.

What little respect Mhairi had gained with Circe just got wiped by Alexander's message. It seemed all too stupid to the Fairest. She'd seriously watch what she said with anyone that she didn't trust from now on. Or at least until she could arrive to a duel with enough firepower to qualify as a 1980s action movie hero.