He can't reason with Mhairi, that much is clear. If she gets her way, he'll be dead by the sixteenth. Problem is - he's gotten used to being alive. So he contacts the two people in this Freehold he trusts the most. And if they won't help him? Well, at least he's now able to freely speak his mind, probably not a luxury he'll have with others around.

So to Circe first. A copy of his and Mhairi's phone conversation. There's only one original text attached:

'I want to kill you because I'm paranoid'. Does that sound like Queen Anne to you?

Of course, the elf deserves more. But there's no time for more.

With his heart pounding, Alexander types in the number of Sasha's cellphone. It takes many painfully stretched-out seconds, but there's no response. So he records his message on a voicemail instead

"This may be the last time I'm able to speak freely to you. Mhairi's gone crazy. She demands a duel to the death because she still thinks I'm a traitor. I tried to reason with her, offered her a new Pledge but nothing worked. Truth is, if this duel happens I'm as good as dead. So I just wanted to say you've made my time in Sacramento wonderful - I only wish there'd be more of it. You deserve all the best and I hope that's what you'll get"

His voice is unnaturally calm, like he's come to terms with his own obituary. It only shivers slightly when he adds:

"I love you"

Then, the message ends.