Thank God for self-service copy centers. If not for them, Longstreet would have to either write all four copies of this report by hand or risk a Masquerade violation, neither of which are exactly appealing. but thanks to this development in the service sector Reeve Antinori, Archon Twist, Seneschal Hart and Deputy Cross can receive their neat printed-out copy placed in a folder entitled "WHAT WE HAVE DISCUSSED", all professional-like - the Reeve and Archon to their Nox offices, Longstreet's Family members to their Necropolis sepulchres.

The report reads:


1.1 Security

- Relatively small space enclosed by high walls and recently added barbed wire. There is only one above-ground way in: a large gate, apparently staying open a lot.
- The place is guarded by dogs and a group of people. Their training, numbers and affiliation remains unknown, but it is safe to assume at least some of them are ghouls.
- Old Maitland Junkyard is located near the town of Elk Grove. High median income and slightly above-average property-related crime rate may hint on strong police presence and short response time. Frontal assault VERY MUCH discouraged

1.2 Background

- Owned by a local family for a long time, recently bought out by people from out of town. Apparently, the new buyers have been active in Sacramento criminal circles, particularly those dealing in stolen vehicles
- Location often visited by vehicles from outside Sacramento, possibly from the buyer(s) point of origin. Reports of late night deliveries via trucks.

1.3 Suggested course of action

- Do not engage or come near the place!
- Identify the buyers or their proxies with the help of local criminals
- Reach out to the previous owners, if they are still in town
- Ascertain the nature of goods shipped in and out. My bet is they are weapons or construction materials. Or both.


2.1 Security

- Unknown. Most of the buildings are destroyed and there are no obvious inhabitants, but there still might be someone in the ruins or, more likely, below. If there really is a basement or a set of tunnels down there, bringing along weapons for close quarters is advised.
- Although Roseville is decidedly more urban than Elk Grove, the farm in question is likely to be some distance away from the town proper, and the neighbors - if any - are unlikely to call the police. Also, see below.

2.2 Background

- Serving as a women's refuge for some time, the farm suffered a fire a few month ago that destroyed it almost completely.
- It is suspected that the farm - or whatever remains of it - is the base of operations for a group kidnapping 'street people': beggars, prostitutes, low-rep hooligans and others. There is at least one van of unknown description used for this purpose.
- A new tag has cropped up on the streets (see the photo attached). From what I recall it's linked to a boogeyman group called the 'VII'. Or it may be some impersonator(s). But if that's really them, what's their interest in mortals?

2.3 Suggested course of action
- Study police documents pertaining to these kidnappings, if possible: find a pattern. An ambush can be staged to capture the kidnapper(s).
- Dig up all we can on this 'VII', especially their past activity in Sacramento, if any.
- The local charity workers' memories and city hall documents may still hold information of the people running the women's refuge. The fire as well as their disappearance may be worth looking into.

To each report a photography is attached: the one of these roman numerals painted on a wall