Waking up in an empty theater....not fun. Even when she knew that Avis and Star were out and about and were coming back. Waking up in an empty theater and knowing that they weren't out or about or coming back. Double not fun. Okay so it was worse then just 'not fun' but whatever.

Padding around the theater Tuesday didn't 'Marco' because. Yeah. Gone.

It sucked.

And not just because her Rit Bribe was now a pop-tart.

Was it even a bribe since the unicorn needed to unwrap it herself?

Probably not.

But, again. Whatever.

Riting was now Routine and so the Unicorn started to sing.

(also. pre-anchor socked up. also, also. if she didn't she could just see Star popping up and scolding her for her lack of Rits.
...should she forgo them?
No. Next time she'll see Star is a random pop up because lulz and not for scoldings.)

The weft and weave of the Imago begins to take shape, while the golden lines of the glyph work form and slowly, ever so slowly expand. Eventually the lines are perfict (well not really), the expanse of the glyph wide and encompassing, her mental (and magical) security blanket falls upon her shoulders like it was meant to be there.

And hey. Fate. Rits. Maybe it was.

Sucking in a breath before sighing it out, Tuesday stretches and heads to the potty because sitting around magic'ing for hours not super great for the bladder. Even amazing Unicorn ones.

Meandering around the theater Tuesday makes it to the kitchen and finds her pop tart. It was strawberry. Since yeah. Strawberries. Unicorn catnip. But. Not a Star's omgstrawberrybackgoodsandsmoothingomgyum! since again. Gone.


Leaning against the counter Tuesday get back to work. Since. Shield but not Sight. This unicorn wasn't gonna be walkin' around blind.

The weft and weave of the loom she needs for her Shield's replaced but the very fabric of song. Notes she didn't know how to read, but liked the look of, colors you couldn't help but feel spread out before her eyes. The glyph work, large, expansive and golden, the lines holding, but still imprecise. But that didn't matter because her eyes were opened and they saw...
...ice cream.

Or the lines of Fate leading her to ice cream.

This is what they call in the biz as a light bulb moment.

  2E Fate Shield
Date Action Roll Result
2017-05-01 10:21:27 [02] Tuesday rolls 5 to Rit Up a Fate Shield (Fate 3 + Gnos 2) (10 Again) 5, 2, 6, 10, 6, 1 1 success
2017-05-01 10:21:27 [01] Tuesday rolls 5 to Rit Up a Fate Shield (Fate 3 + Gnos 2) (10 Again) 8, 5, 10, 3, 3, 6 2 successes
  2E Fate Sight
Date Action Roll Result
2017-05-01 10:21:51 [02] Tuesday rolls 5 to Rit Up Fate Sight (Fate 3 + Gnos 2) (10 Again) 2, 2, 8, 7, 6 1 success
2017-05-01 10:21:51 [01] Tuesday rolls 5 to Rit Up Fate Sight (Fate 3 + Gnos 2) (10 Again) 3, 10, 6, 7, 4, 9 2 successes