Translation: Early rising benefits you three pence.

Tomori drove through the streets in his Tesla, every car enthusiast in the downtown area turned their head at least a little. He was just taking a tour of the Rack, not hunting. Planning? Maybe closer to dreaming, perhaps. How he wanted to hunt here.

He took a left onto another street and then a right heading south into Citrus Heights. He had looked into the area once or twice before the big move. There was good land here just so close to the heart of the city. It could function like an artery if someone were to develop it, pumping plenty of blood to the places it needs to go. He paused by washington lake, before cutting around the Southport Parkway and back into the communal zone.

Pulling over onto a corner under a street light in safe and more importantly legal hunting grounds he got out of his car and takes a spot on a bench overlooking the river at night. He reached underneath the bench, and casually pulled out a manilla envelope filled with...well, who knows? Certainly Mr. Tomori.

After this he pulled out his sketch pad and did a little work on a new idea he had been toying with. Some remodelling for the Chapterhouse. After this he pulled out his map of sacramento, a paper thing, almost a relic itself. But for the notes he was taking he didn't want it on something so comprimisable as a computer. Just a few...ideas. Lines here and there.

Finally done with his work some hours later in the night, he headed out once more, it must have been what....4:30? As he walked to his car in the parking lot of the Park he saw her...Clearly an early morning jogger. Power type A personality, I mean who else gets up this early? He focused and looked around, realizing that she was stretching within eye shot of his hundred thousand dollar car, warming up but lingering. Her eyes couldn't see him in the pre-dawn darkness, not yet anyway...but he could see her.

Tall, blonde...very western. She drove a nicer car, so she likely had ambitions. Maybe a doctor getting ready for a shift, or getting off of one. Maybe a businesswoman, Tomori was told America was very forward thinking this way. Either way, the Oni in him grinned wide. He could feel it as he approached.

A smile came over his face as he hit the button on his key fob and the lights kicked on. She gave a start too and he approached her apologetically, seemingly on the way to his vehicle.

"Ah, so sorry. Many apologies. I didn't mean to startle you...I come here to think late at night." Spoke the Dragon as he made eye-contact... ..... .... ....

Memory is a funny thing, as Jane wouldn't find out. Jane of course was the name of the pretty young jogger who was out on the hunt once she noticed the Tesla. That morning in the early hours she would learn there were many kinds of hunts. She would learn that free will is something you must fight for. One thing she would not learn however, was to remember any of those fifteen minutes. Tomori was a cruel teacher. He reflected on this thought as he fixed his tie and dabbed at the crimson around his lips with a napkin in his car. Teaching her so much then taking it all away. He checked the rear mirror seeing her just standing there, swaying in the night under a tree. The Ventrue pulled out, and drove away.

Still, there was some kindness. She finished her jog later for instance. More tired than usual, sure. She had to cut it short by a mile but Jane was very much alive. She slowed for her cool down just next to the parking lot as always. It was still empty save for her car same as when she arrived. Jane found herself short of breath and lethargic. She vowed to eat better, and improve her health. Take more vitamins, some iron and vitamin C. Maybe some tuna and more rice to help flavor up These all were things she just knew were necessary. It had to be done, for the fullness of her health. In the spirit of this notion, she also felt like she should jog more. Especially in the early mornings along the riverfront with so few distractions.