"All in, shit or bust. If this... clock... thing... is as you all say, then the Seer's are not fighting it out here. They're duking it out over a stream of time. I reckon we're safe in Sacramento - from direct manipulations and in your face aggression now. In the present, like. The False Father is pulling up weeds, remember. He's trying to reorganise history to make the present what he want's it to be..."

He coughed.

"Anyway. As to Hierarch? How about we park all that till we're done? The Consilium is fucked, king it with a sledge, remember. So... I can extend to you all the offer of an Assembly. Everyone. Every Path. Is welcome. Check the Order shit at the door - if you want to form factions based on your affiliations, more power to you. We're a democracy of the Awakened and we don't need a Hierarch."

He sucked in a breath and managed to haul himself up straighter. He held up a hand to forestall argument.

"Its all semantics anyway. Besides what we need right now is a General. A Strategos. We are at war and during times of war, the Assembly puts aside democratic convention. We have one leader. One big boss to coordinate everything because, well, we are like an army - a guerilla army. And - God help me - the best person for that is the First Talon, Avis."

His hand moved, pointing, to accentuate his point.
Gotta say, Yumyumcrow , this took me way by surprise. Of all the things I had considered with the power vacuum, FC coming out swinging with an Assembly pitch wasn't one of them. Well played.

Even If...