After the first rain of bullets, Ale used to her blood to heal and felt her Beast stir in anger.

How dare they keep firing at her?!

The long, grotesque claws grew from her fingers, and she was ready to shred the flesh off those men. Her Beast howled in excitement, salivating at the notion of gore and violence!

The sound of the gun fire registered, but then….nothing.

Blackness and silence enveloped her.

Turning in circles, there was nothing, the alley and the world she knew was gone.

The silence was then shattered by the guttural howl of anguish from her Beast. Her hands flew up to cup her ears as she feel to her knees. The Beast continued to cry out, its own claws digging and pulling apart her sanity, bit by bit. It continued to screech, its rage taking over…


Still one her knees, she violently shakes her head, trying to quiet the voice and it’s taunts. Falling onto her side, knees coming up into the fetal position, she grits her teeth, trying to will the voice away. She wasn’t a failure….was she?

Then the nothing was shattered by a fire like pain sieging through her body.Eyes snap open as an animalistic scream of pain escapes her mouth. The blackness was slowly illuminating the space around her and she found herself not on the floor, but in a chair. And restrained.