The elemental hummed in agreement. "I'm vain enough that the thought of hedgesupun gloves makes me all wriggly inside. Mama want." Mhairi licks her lips, attempting her best 'sultry' face before she bursts out in bright laughter. "but uh-yeah I might have to stick with forks...which sucks....I could eat taco salads instead of nachos...hmmm."

"A book I'm not super up with the reading for fun or for whenever...but I-ah should probably change that. It's not like I'm going to learn anything by staring into space!" she flashes another smile. "Buut one thing I do read for fun are those really trashy romance novels. You know the ones where you go 'this is sooo bad!' but you can't put it down." the elemental giggles as a soft blush rises up coloring her features.

Movement draws Mhairi's fell-flame gaze. Was that a Winter? Leaving their own party? Hmm...Mhairi wished that she had a watch available to peak at, she hadn't thought that the night was coming to a close already, what other reason was there for a courtier to leave their season's coronation before any others.