She sat cross legged on the hotel bed, the new deck of tarot cards resting in her hands. The deck size was smaller than her others, so the cards felt small in her hands. She wasn’t entirely sure why she purchased the deck, maybe because it was one of her favorite artists, Luis Royo, or maybe the universe had played a role in it.

Either way, she spread the cards out in front of her, placing each one face up. Her right hand then gently ran over the faces of the cards, as she imagined her energy being placed into each card. Her eyes lingered on the picture on the card, letting the imagery speak to her and awaken her mind. She then closed her eyes, allowing her subconscious to speak to her and learning how her intuition responded to each card. Every deck had a different language and meaning to her, each one stirred up different emotions and responses.

Time to test the cards, she thinks as she carefully gathers all the cards into a pile. After shuffling the cards, she places the deck off to her right, and uses her right hand to select the first card. As the card was picked up, she closed her eyes and asked the universe her question. One after another, she placed the cards on the table. She was doing a general and basic spread, the Universal Six Card Spread.

Upon opening her eyes, she carefully studied the cards. Reversed or Inverted cards held special and different meanings.

Card one, How She Felt About Herself, turned out to be The Magician. This was a good omen and she felt a sense of purpose and the willpower to get things done. Self-empowerment was the key word here, and any new enterprises in love or career show great potential. Card two, What she Wanted Most at this Moment, was the Hermit. This card suggested that what she wanted most was to know what to do as well as companionship or a lover, maybe she was feeling lonely or isolated. Card three, Her Fears, was represented by The Empress. This said that perhaps she had worries, be them money or family worries. Card four, What was Going for her. It was an interesting card to come up, for it said rather it be fate or destiny, but the good luck she was experiencing is most likely not her doing. This could be synchronicity, and she should go with the flow and trust it. Card five, What is Going Against her. Here the Chariot appeared, signaling her against being too arrogant or letting her ego get over inflated. This was a time of movement and change, and conflicts ending in victory, so she shouldn’t give up. And finally Card six, the Outcome. The Star card, and she smiled. Seemed this was a time of good fortune and luck for her.