Martha opened the letter and read...

"Dear Miss Villiers,

Please forgive me, but I fear for my life and must leave the city and therefore find myself unable to tend to your venture. Deputies Grigoriev and Rodriguez lured me to the Moore House for what I assumed would be a civil discussion, whereupon the Haunt Priscus threatened my sanity if I would not capitulate to his demands. Had I not made some use of my small talents, it seemed Rodriguez was going to physically restrain me so that Grigoriev could make good on his nefarious threat.

I know you have the power to find it is only truth I write.

I apologize for my cowardice, and urge you to exercise all caution when dealing with these two. Avoid being alone with either or both at all costs!


Charles Black

Her eyes widened with each fresh accusation and allegation.

Oh my word! She gasped.

This intelligence could not be ignored.

Mr Charles Black is Invictus! He was Acknowledged in the Domain too! He was, thereby, under the Protection of the Domain. It's an ancient tradition. It shouldn't be violated with impunity or without due had gone wrong? What was the truth of the matter? Had the Deputies gone renegade? Renegade was not unheard of.

Her first test: to Auspex the examine the sensations and images that might expose if the letter was a hoax or revealed possibly sinister truths.

Date Action Roll Result
2012-10-03 09:43:41 Martha Villiers rolls 11 to Spirits Touch Charles' letter (Wits+Occult+Auspex) = 11 (10 Again) 7, 9, 7, 6, 10, 6, 10, 8, 2, 7, 6, 2, 6 4 successes