The only cellphone shop open this late at night and its ... somewhere. Joseph almost looks at his directions again but as the place was the last shop with lights on he doesn't. Instead putting the paper into his pocket and going into the store.

For a moment he's confused by the lack of smell. Then remembers he has to breath to smell, it smells like teenagers and mountain dew. Which fits the description of the kid behind the desk.

"Hi I'd like to get a replacement phone."

"Which phone."

"A phone? One that flips closed?" Those bricks like to butt dial, a lot.

"Heh really man?" The kid almost oozes caffeine. "Those things are old, we have better ones now." He shows an example by pulling out his phone, turning it to face Joseph then back to himself.

Then promptly launches into a message war with what sounds like half of europe.

Ignoring the kid Joseph walks the aisles like the mindless kine do during the day. After picking up a phone that looks good, though it is doubtlessly utterly not water-proof. He puts it on the desk the kid is tapping madly away at. Brown eyes look at the box then Joseph, the phone goes down and Joseph begins the arduous process of dealing with an idiot.

New phone firmly in his possession, apparently with backed up contacts as well. Joseph looks at the kid with a smile on his face. "Hey once I'm gone, break your phone." The smile grows as he leaves the shop and glances over his shoulder to see the kid smashing his phone on the floor. Time to get rid of that contact back-up.