Ishani could not help but overhear their conversation. Turning to face them she says, "Let's see if Karsh can give us a room and we will discuss it in detail then."

She took them to Karsh's office, hoping the kindred would be available. She knocked softly and waited.

Karsh was sitting in his office when the knock came. Getting up he opens the door and sees the Sheriff and her deputy...and a face that was new. Who's this? His whispered voice issued forth.

Well good evening what might I do for you this night Ishani?

They were in public couldn't use her real title here....

"Can we borrow a room, Karsh? I need to go over a few things with both of these guys and it is uh, rather delicate information."

She looks askance at the two kindred behind her, hoping that neither one of them would say or do something stupid in public.

Dog watched the two speak with some interest. Guess the parade of pretties had to end sometime. This guy was a Harpy? Whispering gossips. Harpy Whisper. Kind of an ugly bastard too. Maybe he should shave.

Karsh looked to them and then to the new one...MORE...Damn...smiling a little he closed the door and led them down....down deep into the under the bowles of the building into the pit and the many rooms held within for gearing up. He opened a door and motioned all in, never stating a word. When they all entered he closed the door and and took a seat.

Kira quietly entered the room behind Ishani. She took a seat, crossing her legs. She rested her arms on the arms of the chair and waited for Ishani to speak.

Dog looked around, but felt funny standing up, so he sat. He didn't really like sitting. Well, except in cars.

As soon as the door is closed Ishani turns to face her guests.

"All right peeps, listen up and listen good. The city is under attack. We are not sure by whom yet, but we have a few ideas. First, the low down. We have six incidents of kindred being nailed to doors, dropped off at the theater, the Seneschal's to be exact, showing up in personal havens, and nailed to a warehouse wall. All six kindred had a strange plant growing inside of them that consumed their vitae and killed them. It also reached for any kindred who went near it, using a flower on a thorn type of seed to implant the kindred and consume them from the inside out."

She atands and begins to pace. "Right now, we suspect this could be the VII, a faction of the Crone, Brood, or some rogue kindred who just like fucking with us. As I said before, we are still gathering information. So, this means no one goes anywhere alone. I don't care who you spend your time with. You do not do anything without informing someone of where you are going and you do not go there by yourselves. Got it?"

"Dang," Dog said, wide-eyed. What the fuck kind of town had he come to? "You know someone blew up my car, right before I met Deputy Cleeeeiiiira. Kira. Deputy Kira."

Her phone buzzed and she looked at the message. It took her a minute to figure out what the hell the caller was trying to say. She frowned.

Why do these kids have such a problem with fucking english?She wondered silently, as she sent him a response.

She looks up at her guests. "Looks like we'll have company soon. Someone may have more information for us to work with."

O-Yama arrived at the Grindhouse, his cab letting him out and he brushed off his coat as he made his way in. He entered and waited to see if he could inform anyone that he was here and to get Karsh for him.

Standing in the lobby looking lost drew the night manager over upon questioning the man who looked out of place he found he needed to talk to the boss so he called him and then let the man be.

Karsh was sitting thier and waiting to hear what was going on then the phone rang. He looked to them all and excused himself, went upstairs and brought the other Nosferatu back down into the depths of the Pit

Ladies and Sir O-Yama is now with us, shall we continue.....

Dog wrinkled his nose. Goddamn, what was that smell? O-Yama? O-Yama's mama shoulda named him O-Dor.

O-Yama smiled as he saw Dog crinkle his face at the odor he put off. He then looked to the Sheriff and decided he would ask her what is was he needed to know to see i his power would be able to be used.

"Milady Sheriff, I believe I may have a power that may help us, I only just remembered it, as the fog of time has somewhat slowed my memories of my past. I need to know where the bodies of the plant victims are being kept, if any of them were mortal, and I would also need to know if any of them have atleast one eye intact. In ancient Japan, we we're taught a technique that allowed us to harvest the last sight from the eyes of a corpse. I believe we could use this to possibly see the kindred responsible, or atleast draw some clues as to who they are."

Ishani stares at O-Yama. "You have got to be fucking kidding me! Are you blind and deaf? Jesus H. Christ man, you were there! Twice!"

She gets up and steps away from O-Yama, trying to control her temper. Then, in a very soft voice, she says. "I destinctly remember telling you, Ash, and Asa in the car that these plants only go after kindresd vitae. Not only that, but all of the victums were kindred. Otherwise, the plants would have ignored them the way it ignored the cat under the bed. I also told you that the only way I know how to kill the damn things completly is by setting it on fire.So, there are no bodies."

She looks at him. "So, am I going to have to repeat myself again in a week? Cause if I am, then I'll just tape record the damn information and play it back to you."

Kira nodded in response to Ishani's orders on to go anywhere alone.

"Sure, boss. No where alone, find a buddy. No problem."

Kira stayed sitting and silent as she watched the exchange between Ish and this new smelly kindred.

Plant eating kindred? And the only way to kill them was to set them on fire? Fuckin' peachy keen. Seemed like it was going to be a long night.

Dog wondered why people thought Gangrel were the stupid ones. He also wondered if DC would be his buddy. He did all of this wondering in silence. Apparently SA was a bitch.

Karsh listened to his Clans speak....and then wished he wouldn't have, even he who hadn't been thier to clean up rememberd them saying at every incident the eyes had been gouged out

Maybe we can find one before it reaches that state so you can do that next time..

Karsh Whispered

Suddenly, Ishani looks at Dog. "Did you say your car blew up?"

"Uh, yes. Ma'am. I did. Or, it did. When I met Kira, right after I gave some dude a ride." Dog didn't look particularly thrilled to be in the spotlight. How did he manage to get himself locked in a dungeon with a Sheriff, a Deputy, a Harpy, and some one-eyed compost pile?

O-Yama wanted to rage out at the Sheriff for her outburst. Lord, did she ever turn off the Bitch Mode? His ability to remember things was very cloudy, he was having trouble with this and now at almost every turn it was coming back to bite at his honor like a freely offered neck. Damnitt, I should have remembered that... O-Yama smiled at her though so as not to allow his boiling anger to come to the fore.

"My apologies, milady Sheriff, as I just said, my memory does not serve me as well as I would like. If in the future we find another of the plant victims I offer my services in any way you may see fit. If we could get to them, before the eyes have been removed then I should be able to see the last image before death."

He needed to remove this stain on his honor, this debacle with the plants and the rogue kindred needed to be adressed. He would find a way to root them out on his own if he had to. The Sheriff might think him inept, but put a sword in his hands and he would prove his worth...

Ishani looks at O-Yama and wanted to praise him for using his head and thinking about how to help rather then just spouting off at the mouth.

"O-Yama, I appreciate all the help you can give me. However, did you say they had to be mortal in order for your power to work? Because I don't think the plants go after mortals. They feed off of kindred vitae. Like they are specificly designed to eat us and nothing else."

She then gives her attention to Dog, noticing his discomfort. She must be coming across as a total bitch, but if it saves his ass, she didn't much care.

"Did you see anything or anyone when this happened? And, do you need another car? I can get one for you."

"Honestly I know not whether it can be used on kindred, I personally have only seen it used on the corpses of mortals, but I figure it could be worth the effort to try for if it does work the results could provide us with what we need known."

O-Yama replies after thinking hard about his past and trying to remember.

"Nah," Dog said, "I'm just going to find that prick I gave a ride to and see if he did it. And then I'm..."

Surprisingly, for a Gangrel, Dog realizes who he's talking to.

"...I'm going to call you. Or Deputy Kira."

Looking to them all he wonders if thier is anything more they needed to discuss?

Is that all Sheriff?

Ishani nods. "Unless these three have anything else to add, I believe that is all for now. Keep your ears and eyes on alert and please, by Yama, don't go anywhere alone."

She bows to Karsh in a most respectful manner. "Thank you very much for your time, old friend. At some point I would like to bring Asa, O-Yama, Kira, and perhaps Dog here into the Pit to see what they've got."

Ishani's phone buzzes, she looks at it, sends a quick text back and turns to Kira. "You need to meet with the Primogen Harpy Rahyna. Please contact her and find out when and where, if she does not get back to me before we leave. She has just been given some rather interesting information and I would like you to check into it."

Karsh escorts them all outside and then returns to his duties wondering if the city is getting ready for another silent war. His contacts will need to be bribed once again.