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(2015 AU) Freehold Pledge

  1. #1
    Changeling ST's Avatar

    All changelings who approach Ms. Jasons are allowed the opportunity to swear the freehold pledge. She gives them the choice of binding themselves to either a simple seasonal vow or a more serious yearlong commendation.

    "All members of our community must at minimum pledge a vow to neither reveal our true natures and the existence of our freehold nor knowingly give assistance of any sort to the Gentry or their agents. Do nothing to bring danger into our society during this Autumn Season and you shall be blessed with fortitude. Betray this promise and you shall find your welcome most fearfully withdrawn and your name shall become accursed."

    The Autumn Queen's gaze bores into those that wish to swear a more lasting vow, she still questions their sincerity as she does each year.

    "For those who wish to pledge their loyalty to the freehold with both words and deeds for the turning of the year, in addition, you must declare what talent or service you vow to provide to our community. For such dedication, you shall reap the benefits of your commendation for as long as you fearlessly work towards the good of the freehold."

    Swearing either vow requires the expenditure of one Willpower point.

    This is not an actual conversation scene so much as a record of freehold pledge swearing, so Betony Rue will not be posting replies. Please only post your character's acceptance of either the seasonal pledge or yearlong commendation and continue any conversations with the Autumn Queen in the appropriate scene. Please note that the commendation requires your changeling to state what skill or talent they will be swearing to the service of the freehold. Players do not need to copy this post in the Current Pledges thread, but do need to add the Autumn Freehold Pledge or Commendation to their signature/minisheet.

  2. #2
    Morgan Bellanar's Avatar

    Morgan Bellanar


    Morgan is eager to renew her pledge:

    "I-I-I, Morgan Bellanar, give mine word to-to ssstay true to the Freehold for a year and a day. I pledge as Twilit Page to utilize mine athleticism to the 'hold's benefit. My sssspeed of foot a shalt convoy messages throughout the 'hold whenever neh-neh-required. And-and when necessary, I shalt lend my throwing arm. This I do ssswear."

  3. Likes Forn Clakes liked this post
  4. #3
    Tally Benoit's Avatar

    Tally Benoit


    Court Goodwill(Summer) •
    Eidetic Memory
    Fleet of Foot •••
    Hedgespun Wolf Whistle ••
    Fast Reflexes •

    Health: [][][][][][][][]
    Clarity: •••••••
    Willpower: ••••••
    Glamour: 9/10

    Beast Blessing:

    8a when Animal Ken skill and spend Glamour to a die to dice pools involving Pre and Com.


    Suffer -4 to untrained Mental skills. No 10-again with Intelligence pools

    Kith Blessing:

    Tooth and Claw: Causes Lethal Damage instead of Bashing when fighting unarmed.

    Freehold Commendation Benefits:

    + 1 to Clarity degeneration roll and + 1 to Brawl


    "I, Tally Benoit, swear to stay true to the Freehold for a year and a day. I pledge my skill with my fists to aid members of the Freehold who ask for my help."

  5. Likes Origins liked this post
  6. #4

    Ava approached Autumn's sovereign with deference, back straight and a polite smile on her lips. "Good evening, Ms. Jasons."

    "I swear that I, Ava Campbell, give my loyalty to the Freehold and my Court for a year and a day, never to reveal or knowingly endanger them. As Scrivener, my knowledge and resources will be used to benefit our community. If I should break my word, let me name and endeavors be cursed."

    With an encouraging smile to Evelynn , she stepped away.

  7. #5

    Ava pledges for Academics, -1W

  8. #6
    Evelynn East's Avatar
    Evelynn East

    Presence 2 (Curious)
    Wizened Inventor/Telluric

    Winter Mantle:
    Moment of hush
    Evelynn East


    Short and petite, Evelynn is pale, with a pair of wide brown eyes hidden behind a set of very large glasses.


    A thin, long-fingered woman with eyes that are impossibly large and glassy, giving her the appearance of wearing large, thick glasses when she's not. Her skin is almost translucent in its paleness, and underneath, one can sometimes see the ticking of clockwork parts.


    The occasional hush falls around her - those moments of silence where surrounding conversations all lull at the same moment seem to happen more often, or perhaps the silences are just more noticeable.

    Winter Annual Freehold Pledge


    Smiling back at Ava, Evelynn approached the Autumn Sovereign and dipped her head in polite greeting, then cleared her throat.

    "I, um, Evelynn East, swear my loyalty to the Freehold for this season. I swear never to reveal or knowingly endanger the Freehold. I also pledge my skill as a creator and inventor to the service of the Freehold for those who should wish to come to me for aid."

  9. #7
    Terri Nutkins's Avatar

    Terri's Mask is that of a petite, cute woman with vibrant red hair that has black streaks throughout. Obviously athletic, her natural demeanour is friendly and she always tends to have a smile on her face.

    Her fae mien is akin to a red squirrel. She has a long bushy tail and ear tufts that poke through her hair. The black streaks are actually black feathers the are a part of her mien now,; a part of her noble order.

    Terri's powerful Mantle initiates itself as the smell of baking bread but brings with it the feeling of the Harvest, that time to take stock of the coming troubles.


    After patiently waiting her turn, Terri skips towards Betony Rue with a large smile on her face. Her tail twitched as the Ogre's bitter wind Mantle flooded over her but she bathed in her own powerful connection to the Leaden Mirror for comfort.

    "Good evening, Queen Jasons, I hope you are keeping well? Isn't it funny how time seems to fly these days? I, Terri Nutkins, swear for a year and a day to keep this Freehold secret from outsiders and enemies, to be loyal to its ideals and to assist the community by providing my services as a dressmaker and Hedgespinner. If I am found to have betrayed this pledge, then I shall be cursed for my indiscretion."

    Terri pledges Crafts, -1 Willpower
    Steepscrambler/Truefriend | Mantle (Autumn) 5 (Smell of Baking Bread/Feeling of the Harvest)
    Presence 4 (Friendly)|Striking Looks 2 (Petite & Cute)

  10. #8
    Milo Chernobog's Avatar

    Milo Chernobog


    With the Coco situation being handled Milo reluctantly made his way to Betony. A near cartoonish grin faded to the smile he felt obligated to fake in his Sovereign's presence. The bright side is he was good enough at lying she'd never know the difference much less the reason it was fake.

    "I, Milo Chernobog, swear to keep this Freehold and it's people secret and safe from outsiders and the Gendry. I likewise swear to use my skills to sneak, shadow, and tale any oppose the Freehold. This I swear to do for a year and a day lest my blessing turn to a curse on my name."

    Milo pledges Stealth! -1 WP

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