Kicking her board as she heads up to the house of her future employer having the door opened by Henry, greeting him with a friendly little smile and light quick talk before having his mom come to the door and being ushered inside.
"Welcome Rose, I hope you found the place well."
”Yeah no issues, so before we begin here as I said last time so am I not cheap, I know that average instructors might be possible for a mere few hundred a month but I do charge in the four digit range and those numbers might increase depending on various factors, if you find it to expensive so will we have to cancel these talks immediately.”
"No, no, money is no object we will pay an initial fee and if we see results so can we definitely talk about an increase down the line."
”Good then.”

Being shown to sit down.
”No, is your daughter home, I would like to have around half an hour with her in the backyard first, to see what I will be working with. You are of course free to watch but I will need you to not chime in, my training is strict, it is not easy, and she might not aim to take a gold medal in gymnastics but do be aware that I do am pretty strict.”
"Yes but of course I can chime in when"
”No, you are free to not hire me, but you may not step in.”
"But my little daughter needs to know that she is safe an"
”I get where you are coming from, and I will keep her safe but this is a cut throat world, some parents pays more than what others earn in a year for their children to have even a chance at a scholarship, if you think your daughter will stand a chance at even moving in the same circles as these people with silk gloves then you are free to find a silk coach for her.”

Seeing the mom turn silent as she calls her daughter down, and the group of them heading outside. Taking a bit to just talk with the girl at first, to hear her dreams, aspirations and aims before starting to get into seeing what she can do to find her current level. Being relatively kind in her ways but going over each step needed to get a full grasp on her view and current skill level before getting up and showing an imitation of where she is at for now.
”So this is where you are now and this.” Repeating a lighter routine before her. ”Is where I would like you to aim to be in three months, this.” Showing a more advanced one yet again with far higher levels and movements. ”Is where I would aim to help you reach in a year and.” Taking a few steps back before going lose to show her own levels of skills, displayed to their peak, holding no punches as she moves through the air, to her hands, flying around the backyard with precise movements each going into the next with fluid ease. ”Is where you can reach if you truly dedicate yourself to it. Do be aware that it will cost you time, effort, it will be early mornings, you will miss parties, have to consider what you eat, and I will be strict if I see you not making the effort so will this not work out.”

Having the mother chime in.
"Don´t you think you are putting a tad to much pressure on her, she is just a child."
"No mom, did you see that, she is much better than the Pedersons coach, I think she knows what she is talking about."
"Mom please don´t you want me to have the best?"
"Yes of course but are you sure that"
"And you will get to say that you snagged her from that HOA B****"

Looking over at Skye.
"Well seems like you have won my daughter over, I guess we will hire you."
”Excellent shall we head inside to talk over the costs, and setup a schedule for her then?”

A light nod as they head in, setting up a training schedule, times for her to be there and generally talking to start to get to familiarize themselves with one another a bit better, making sure to take some time to talk with the daughter, and set up how she prefers to be contacted and contact her in return.

Not leaving until a couple of hours later now with a fully charged board as she heads back toward the quarters, after some travels around the city.